How to check your internet speed on iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch

How to check your internet speed on iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch

This article will show you how to check your internet speed on iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch. Internet speed is increasingly becoming more and more important. Most apps on your iOS Device use the internet in one way or another. Knowing the speed of your internet connection can be helpful when using your iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch. Thankfully there is a great little free app called Speedtest. This app lets you quickly test the speed of your internet and then keeps track of each time you test the connection speed for future reference. You can use the Continue Reading →

How to quickly add .edu and .org to web addresses in Safari on iPhone, iPad (Mini), and iPod Touch

The iOS virtual keyboard on the iPhone, iPad (Mini), and iPod Touch has multiple characters hidden beneath each letter and number. To activate these characters, just tap and hold on any letter. For example, if you want an “ñ” all you need to do is tap and hold on the “n” key and the “ñ” option will appear. This also works to add accents to words like on resumé. Whenever you are entering a web address in an app, the keyboard switches to an internet specific keyboard where the space bar is replaced with “.” “/” and “.com”. This makes Continue Reading →

iOS 7 + 8 Quick Tip: How to enable Battery Percentage indicator on iPhone, iPad (Mini), and iPod Touch

This article will explain how to enable the battery percentage indicator in iOS 7 + 8 on iPhone, iPad (Mini) and iPod Touch (Note: iPod Touch requires advanced steps to enable batter percentage as it doesn’t appear by default – see video below). The battery percentage indicator is an essential feature to accurately assess the current battery level of your iPhone, iPad (Mini), and iPod Touch. I personally think that Apple should have this feature turned on by default in iOS 7 and iOS 8. Without the battery percentage, you have to guess at how much battery life you have Continue Reading →

Quick Tip: Take a picture while you are shooting video on your iPhone 5

iPhone 5 photography how to

One of the helpful features that the iPhone 5 offers that none of the other iOS devices offer is the ability to take a picture while shooting video. This means that you get the best of both worlds. You can be capturing a memory or experience on video and when the perfect photo opportunity arises, you can capture that too. Taking a photo in video mode is simple. While you are recording, simply tap the Camera icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. This will capture the photo while continuing to record video. The only downside is that Continue Reading →

Quick Tip: How to look up a word in the dictionary on your iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch

Your iOS device comes preloaded with an easily accessible dictionary. Whether you need to define a word you are reading in an email, an eBook, or anything else on your iDevice, all you need to do is simply select the word by tapping and holding. Then tap “Define.” This will pull up the dictionary definition of the word you just selected. If you are writing an email or composing another document on your iOS device, you can select the word you want to define by double tapping on it. Then, tap the right arrow of the Cut, Copy, Paste buttons Continue Reading →

5 Things you can Ask Siri: Movie Reviews, Sports, Launch Apps, Make Reservations, and Post to Facebook and Twitter

Apple gave Siri a big upgrade in iOS 6. There are hundreds of things that you can ask Siri. Unfortunately, Siri is not available on all iOS devices. Siri is only available on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 3rd and 4th Generation, the iPad Mini and the latest iPod Touch. Here are 5 things you can ask Siri: 1. Movie Reviews Siri has a ton of knowledge about movies. You can get movie times, reviews, theater locations, etc. If you want to get a review for a specific movie, just ask. I asked Siri for a review on The Continue Reading →

How to edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint Documents on the iPad (Mini), iPhone, and iPod Touch

Two Apps that can edit Microsoft Office Documents

Updated article for iOS 7: Best Apps to Edit Microsoft Office Documents (Word, Excel, and Powerpoint) in iOS 7 How to edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint Documents on the iPad (Mini), iPhone, and iPod Touch. Microsoft has not released MS Office for iOS. However, there are a couple of different apps that have the capability of not only viewing but also editing Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents on the iPad (Mini), the iPhone,and the iPod Touch. These apps also allow you to upload or transfer Microsoft Office files from your computer to your iOS Device. There are 2 apps that Continue Reading →

Ask Siri: Did you know that Siri in iOS 6 can give you nutritional information on most foods?

Siri is able to tap into Wolfram Alpha, which is a computational knowledge engine. Because of this, there is an entire bank of knowledge that can be drawn upon by simply asking Siri. One helpful piece of information that can be computed by Wolfram Alpha is nutritional information for food. For example, you can ask things like, “What is the nutritional value of an Egg McMuffin?” Siri will look up the information and present it all in a nutritional value label right on your iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch screen. You can also ask Siri to calculate specific quantities or Continue Reading →

Quick Tip: Hold down the backspace key on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch to begin deleting whole words

If you have written a lot of text in an email or a pages document or anywhere else, you can quickly delete large sections of text. To do this on your iPad, iPhone (Mini), or iPod Touch in iOS 6 simply hold down the backspace key for 4 seconds. For the first 4 seconds, the normal delete function will happen where one letter is deleted at a time. Then, after 4 seconds, your device will enter rapid delete mode where it will delete entire words at once as long as you hold the backspace key. Remember, if you delete too Continue Reading →

Quick Photo Tip: Tap and hold on the screen for 3 seconds to lock focus (AF) and exposure (AE)

One of the features in the camera app that I use all the time is the AE/AF Lock. This is where the focus and exposure settings lock in even if you point your device at a different location. For example, sometimes if I am trying to take a photo of someone or something where the object is off center, the camera will automatically focus on the background but I want it to focus on the foreground. There is a simple way to remedy this. Here is how: 1. Open up the camera app. Point the camera directly at the foreground Continue Reading →