Turn on Kid’s Mode (Guided Access) on your iPhone, iPad (Mini) and iPod Touch in iOS 6

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iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S case with built in Bluetooth Headset

One of the iPhone accessories that I use every single day of the year is a case that I got for my 4S that has a built in bluetooth headset nestled in the back. It is called the Mogo Talk. The case protects my phone while providing me access to a handsfree headset any time. I love it. In fact, I like this case so much that it is one of the main reasons I have not yet upgraded to the iPhone 5 (they don’t make the case for the iPhone 5). I charge the headset overnight and then turn Continue Reading →

Silence an incoming call on the iPhone in iOS 6

This button on the iPhone can be pressed to silence the ring/vibration on an incoming call

There are 2 ways to silence the ringer on an incoming call on an iPhone. The first way is to push either the volume up/down on the side of the phone or the On/Off button on the top of the phone. This will also stop the vibration of the phone if the ringer has been turned off. This is especially helpful if you have forgotten to silence your phone when in a meeting. You can also send an incoming call straight to voicemail if you push the On/Off button twice. For other ways to respond to an incoming call, see Continue Reading →

Best Audio-Video Baby Monitor for under $75 using your iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch and Foscam Camera + App

Baby Monitoring Setup for under $100

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Pulse News Reader (Free App) – Best blog, news, and web content app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

This is by far the best new reader app I have found on the App Store – and it’s FREE! You can add any type of blog, news feed, and a lot more web content that can all be viewed in a beautiful layout. If the news feeds have images in them, those will come through as well. The user interface on this app makes it so much fun to use (Check out the gallery below). I have never enjoyed consuming digital content as much as when I got this app. Some of my favorites are MacRumors.com, Tuaw.com, CultofMac.com, TheAtlantic.com, Continue Reading →

Set a reminder or send a quick message in response to an incoming call you can’t take

In iOS 6, Apple introduced a helpful set of options to respond to an incoming call when your phone is locked. This comes in handy when you are in a meeting or can’t take a call for some other reason. Here is how to activate this feature: 1. Whenever you have an incoming call, you will see the little shape of a phone handset next to the “slide to answer” box. Simply swipe up on this phone handset icon to reveal response options. 2. After you swipe up on the handset icon, you have two options – “Reply with Message” Continue Reading →

Display Hourly Weather in Weather App

  The built in weather app on the iPhone can easily display hourly weather. Here’s how: 1. Launch the weather app 2. Tap on the second day listed and drag down. The first day listed will expand to show hourly weather. 3. Tap and drag back up to return it to normal. 4. Alternatively, you can tap on the text in the weather app titled “hourly” under the city name.

How to Create location based reminders with Siri on iPhone, iPad (Mini), iPod Touch

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