The book that inspired me to take my iOS expertise and turn it in to something useful and accessible for others.
I wanted to say a huge thanks to a new friend of mine who gave me the inspiration to start this website. His name is Chris Guillebeau, author and world traveller. His book, The $100 Startup, was a catalyst for me to take the ideas I had been sitting on and finally put them into action. He believes in building a community of followers around good content which is what I am patterning this site after. Chris is also a world traveller and is on track to visit every country in the world in a 5 year period. Much of this travel has been done using miles to pay for the flights. Want to learn how to get free flights? There’s a website he has started for that too: TravelHacking.org.
All this to say, if you are sitting on some ideas that you would like to put into action for the benefit of others, then get The $100 Startup book and download a free pdf that Chris wrote called 279 Days to Overnight Success. Then, check out Chris’s main website: chrisguillebeau.com.