How to insert a photo or video directly into an email message

There is a simple way to add a photo right into the text you are typing in an email. Here is how: 1. Tap and hold where you want to insert the photo. The magnifying glass will appear so you can precisely insert the cursor where you want it. 2. Release your hold and a menu will appear with options to “Select” “Select All” or “Paste”. There will also be a little arrow pointing to the right. Tap on this arrow to reveal “Insert Photo or Video”. 3. Tap on that button to automatically pull up your photos and videos Continue Reading →

Set a reminder or send a quick message in response to an incoming call you can’t take

In iOS 6, Apple introduced a helpful set of options to respond to an incoming call when your phone is locked. This comes in handy when you are in a meeting or can’t take a call for some other reason. Here is how to activate this feature: 1. Whenever you have an incoming call, you will see the little shape of a phone handset next to the “slide to answer” box. Simply swipe up on this phone handset icon to reveal response options. 2. After you swipe up on the handset icon, you have two options – “Reply with Message” Continue Reading →

How to Create location based reminders with Siri on iPhone, iPad (Mini), iPod Touch

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