Bloard – Use dark keyboard by default on jailbroken devices

Bloard - Keyboard OnlyBloard is a jailbreak tweak that uses iOS 7’s dark keyboard as the default keyboard throughout iOS.

If you’ve been using iOS 7 for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed that there are two different keyboards included with the OS – a light keyboard and a dark keyboard. Most often, iOS 7 opts for the light keyboard as it is more in line with its white design aesthetic. However, I remember that when I saw the dark keyboard slide on to the screen for the first time when using Spotlight search I thought, “Woah.” The dark keyboard matches my black iPhone 5 much better than the light one and I always wished that I could use the dark keyboard by default. Fortunately, with a jailbroken iOS device this wish becomes a reality by installing a tweak called Bloard.

Bloard - SettingsAs far as jailbreak tweaks go, Bloard is pretty simple. You just install the app, turn the tweak on in Settings, and you’re set to go. Bloard replaces the light keyboard throughout iOS with the dark keyboard. As far as I’ve found, it works flawlessly and without exception.





Here are some screenshots to compare Bloard with the stock light keyboard in different apps:

Bloard - Light MessagesBloard - Dark MessagesBloard - Light NotesBloard - Dark NotesBloard - Light MusicBloard - Dark Music

Bloard - CydiaBloard is available on Cydia for free and is compatible with iPhone, iPad (Mini, Air), and iPod Touch. Find it by searching for it on the search tab. If you have a black device, or if you just prefer the dark keyboard, Bloard can make your device much more attractive. It’s one of those jailbreak tweaks that seems like something Apple should have included in iOS 7 by default.

If you’d like more information about jailbreaking in general, see TeachMeiOS’ series of posts on the subject starting here. If you’re convinced and would like to take the plunge and jailbreak your iOS 7 device, see our post here.