Jailbreak 101 – Lesson 4: How to Perform a Jailbreak

This post is part of a 4 part series that overviews jailbreaking, addresses common misconceptions about the process, discusses its pros and cons, and describes how perform a jailbreak on iOS 6 on your iPhone, iPad (Mini), or iPod Touch.

evasi0n-logoIn this post, the last lesson in a 4 part series about jailbreaking iOS devices, we’ll get down to specifics and describe how to actually perform a jailbreak on iOS 6 using the Evasi0n jailbreak tool.

Update: iOS 7 has also been jailbroken! Check out our post on how to jailbreak it here. If you’d like info on how to jailbreak iOS 6, please continue reading this post.

First, to recap, in Lesson 1 of this series, we defined & overviewed jailbreaking and discussed jailbreak programs, called “packages,” breaking them down into categories. In Lesson 2, we addressed common misconceptions about jailbreaking. In Lesson 3, we described the pros and cons of jailbreaking.

So, how do you actually perform a jailbreak? The answer to this question varies depending on which version of the iOS operating system is running on your device. This post will tell you how to jailbreak iOS 6 using the Evasi0n jailbreak tool. For a great list of different jailbreak tools that includes Evasi0n and other jailbreak tools that work with older versions of iOS, check out iDownloadBlog’s download page.

Now, as I mentioned in Lesson 1, a jailbreak solution does not exist for every iOS device or every version of the iOS operating system. Generally, one major jailbreak solution will be released for most devices per yearly update of iOS. After developers release a jailbreak solution, Apple usually acts quickly to patch the exploits the developers used to create the jailbreak. Hence, it’s common that the next minor update to iOS will render the jailbreak solution useless after updating.

In fact, if you’ve kept up with Apple’s software updates as they’ve been pushed to your device, it’s probable that your device cannot currently be jailbroken. You can find information about which version of iOS your device is running by opening Settings, tapping on General, tapping on “About,” and then looking at the “Version” section. The team of hackers behind the Evasi0n untethered jailbreak, the major jailbreak solution for iOS 6, successfully jailbroke iOS 6.0 through iOS 6.1.2. Unfortunately, in the most recent version of iOS, which is, depending on the device, either 6.1.3 or 6.1.4, Apple patched the exploits they used. Apple also does not allow downgrading devices to previous versions of iOS. So, if you are running a version of iOS more recent than 6.1.2 you are out of luck for the time being. Hopefully, a jailbreak solution will become available for iOS 7 soon after it’s released in the fall.

UPDATE: In late 2013, a jailbeak tool was released that allows users to jailbreak the remaining versions of iOS 6.1 including 6.1.3, 6.1.4, and 6.1.5. Check it out here: http://p0sixspwn.com

Steps to performing a jailbreak on iOS 6.0-6.1.2 using Evasi0n

If you checked your device’s operating system version, though, and it’s in the window of iOS 6.0-6.1.2, good news! Your device can be successfully jailbroken using the Evasi0n jailbreak tool. The process of jailbreaking an iOS device using Evasi0n is extremely easy. Let’s walk through it!

Step 1: Back up your device to iCloud and sync using iTunes

Jailbreaking using Evasi0n is easy and there is little chance that anything will go wrong. However, just to be safe, it’s always a good idea to back up your device to iCloud and perform a sync using iTunes. This way, if anything does go wrong and you find yourself in a position where you need to perform a full system-restore, you’ll want to have backed up your settings and content.

icloud-logoTo back up your device using iCloud, open the Settings app on your device, tap on iCloud, scroll to the bottom of the screen, tap on Storage & Backup, and then tap Back Up Now. Wait for the process to complete, and you’re done!


itunes-logoNext, sync your device with iTunes. NOTE: When you connect your device to iTunes and you’re running an out-of-date, jailbreakable version of iOS, iTunes will prompt you to update to the most recent version of the operating system. DO NOT do this.  If you do, your device will update and you’ll lose the ability to jailbreak it. I recommend choosing the Do Not Ask Me Again option at this point to ensure that you don’t accidentally tell iTunes to update your device in the future. Once you’ve declined iTunes’ prompt to update your device, click Sync and wait for the process to finish.

Step 2: Download Evasi0n

evasi0n-logoNext, download the Evasi0n jailbreak tool on your Mac, PC, or Linux computer. You can find Evasi0n’s home page at http://www.evasi0n.com. Click on the link for the operating system you’re running. This will bring you to a download page. Accept the terms and click Download. Wait for the download to complete, locate the downloaded file on your computer, and double-click the Evasi0n icon to open the program.

Step 3: Disable passcode on your device

Passcode LockBefore running Evasi0n, you’ll want to turn off the passcode on your device if you have it enabled. This will help the jailbreak process to run smoothly. To do this, open the Settings app, navigate to General, tap on Passcode Lock, enter your passcode, tap Turn Passcode Off, enter your passcode again, and you’re all set. You can always re-enable your passcode after the jailbreaking process is complete. If you don’t have a passcode enabled on your device, ignore this step.



Step 4: Run Evasi0n to jailbreak your device

Evasi0n Screen CroppedConnect your device to the computer using a cable if it isn’t already. Evasi0n will then detect your device and the Jailbreak button should become available. Click the jailbreak button to begin the process of jailbreaking your device. You will then see Evasi0n begin to take your device through a number of automatic processes including preparing jailbreak data, injecting jailbreak data, rebooting the device, uploading Cydia, uploading Cydia packages list, etc. You’ll want to be patient during this step as it can take some time. Even if the process seems to have stalled out, just wait and let Evasi0n do its work. Once the process reaches Uploading Cydia packages list, it is nearing the end. After this, you’ll be prompted to unlock your device.

Step 5: Unlock your device and tap Jailbreak

At this point, Evasi0n will prompt you to unlock your device, search for a newly created icon named “jailbreak,” and tap it ONCE.

Step 6: Wait for Evasi0n to finish the jailbreak process

After tapping Jailbreak on your device, Evasi0n will kick back in with a few more processes including injecting remount payload, root filesystem successfully remounted, and injecting jb data stage 3. After this, Evasi0n will notify you that the jailbreak process is complete and that your device will reboot a few times. You can now exit the Evasi0n tool on your computer. You will see a few processes take place on your device with the Evasi0n logo displayed. Just let these run their course.

Step 7: Done!  Congratulations!  Your device is now jailbroken!

2013-08-09 15.22.09Evasi0n has successfully jailbroken your device! Just one more step until you’re able to browse the Cydia store and begin installing packages! Unlock your device and swipe over to find the Cydia app. Tap on it to open it up. The first time you open Cydia, it will need to prepare its file system and then restart your device. After this takes place, you can re-open Cydia and begin searching for and installing jailbreak apps, modifications, and themes to customize your device to your liking!

If you were able to jailbreak your device, congratulations and welcome to the world of jailbreaking! I think you’ll be amazed at some of the possibilities that are now open to your device. Feel free to install some of the packages mentioned in the other lessons in this series using Cydia and keep an eye on TeachMeiOS for future in-depth reviews of jailbreak packages. If you’re having a hard time using Cydia, stay tuned for a future post overviewing how to navigate and use this app store for jailbroken devices.