How to get Siri to set a wakeup alarm and a timer on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

How to get Siri to set a wakeup alarm and a timer on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Ask Siri to set a wakeup alarm by saying, “Wake me up at 7am.”

Siri is Apple’s personal assistant that was introduced with the iPhone 4S. You can ask Siri all kinds of things using normal sentences. There are a number of requests I make of Siri every day. Two of these are setting a wakeup alarm and a timer.

1. Wakeup Alarm

Each night when I go to bed, I ask Siri to set an alarm for me. You can say, “Wake me up at 7am.” Or, you can say, “Set me an alarm for 7:30 in the morning.” Siri will respond by telling you that your alarm is set. You can also ask Siri, “Check my Alarms.” Siri will respond by displaying all your alarms. If you want to turn your alarm off, just tell Siri to, “Turn off my alarm.” Siri will turn off your alarm. Any time an alarm is displayed in the Siri conversation, you can manually flip the toggle on or off as well.

How to get Siri to set a wakeup alarm and a timer on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Ask Siri to set a time for you by saying, “Set me a timer for 25 minutes.”

2. Timers

Siri can also set a timer for you. This comes in handy all the time. I especially use it when I am cooking. All you do to set a timer is tell Siri, “Set me a timer for 25 minutes.” Siri will start a timer and display the countdown timer in the Siri dialogue screen.

Once the timer is going, you can pause the timer and restart it by saying, “Pause my timer” and “Resume my timer.” You can also cancel the timer by saying “Cancel my timer.”



Other Siri articles on TeachMeiOS:

  1. Use Siri to Add Appointments to your Calendar
  2. Ask Siri for nutritional information on food
  3. Use Siri to add items to a custom reminders list
  4. How to edit Siri mistakes
  5. Create location based reminders